Research for Policymakers

The Modern Classrooms Project worked with researchers at Johns Hopkins University to evaluate the benefits of Modern Classrooms for teachers.

Here's what they found.

Research for Policymakers

Benefits for Teachers

Traditional Teachers
Modern Classroom Teachers
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I use data to provide effective targeted supports to students

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I use technology effectively

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I feel that I am growing and improving as a professional

Source: Wolf, B., Eisinger, J., & Ross, S. (2020). The Modern Classrooms Project: Survey Results for the 2019-20 School Year. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University. 

What educators say

“Teachers are hungry for a different way of teaching. When I discovered this approach, I was so excited that I gathered my team and promptly started figuring out how to adopt it. Within three months, the rest of the team was onboard, and our students now consistently outperform the district on several metrics.”

HS English Teacher, Texas

“With this approach, I provide a structured framework that supports executive functioning skills like task prioritization, time management, and goal setting. This allows for differentiation based on students' individual needs, interests, and abilities, ensuring that all learners have opportunities to thrive academically.”

K-5 Special Education Teacher, Illinois

“Students are starting to truly see that grades are about learning, not just numbers in a gradebook. Now, students really care that they are learning.”

STEM Instructional Coach, Massachusetts

“I was so captivated by this approach I founded Faiyol Academy in 2021, utilizing this cutting-edge teaching method for our instruction. This method has improved teaching quality by making it more involved and dynamic.”

University Professor, Kenya

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